19. November 2008

Mike Bickle über Obama und die Wichtigkeit der Fürbitte

Auf google kann man das komplette video anschauen.

Obama hat zwar die Präsidentschaftswahl gewonnen, aber das Ergebnis des Volksentscheids "California Proposition 8" zeigt, dass die Gebetsbewegung "TheCall" ein wichtigen Teilerfolg erzielt hat. Auf florida-erweckung-godtv.blogspot.com kann man das Video von "TheCall - San Diego - 4. Nov 08" ansehen.
In dem Maß wie die Gebetsbewegung an Zahl und Intensität wächst, in dem Maß wird auch ihre geistliche Autorität zunehmen. Der Gebetseifer oder Gebetsmangel der Gemeinde wird entscheiden, wie die nächsten 4 Jahre verlaufen.

John Burton von "Pray the Revolution" schreibt bezüglich dieses Videos:

Can you imagine what would happen around the world if Barack Obama were to declare the discovery of Jesus Christ as his Lord? It would send shockwaves of revival across the planet. Let’s pray hard for him. As it stands, we are facing the threat of three key issues that are contrary to God’s will being advanced with force: Abortion, homosexual union and the release of land in Israel. These three points MUST be addressed in prayer. The way to see them all addressed with one broad stroke would be for Barack Obama to have an encounter with Jesus Christ.

Jesus actually visited a life-long witch in his bedroom in Manitou Springs, Colorado. His report was that, as he reached out and touched him, he would NEVER be able to deny the overpowering love of Jesus again. He called the first church he could find. This happened after God spoke through three people at a city-wide prayer event in City Hall that Jesus wanted to visit people in the city THAT NIGHT.

We prayed in unity in response to the prophetic word and it ACTUALLY HAPPENED! The same can happen with our new President. God loves him a lot and God loves this nation a lot. He also loves the unborn who are at risk and those who are diving deeper into homosexuality. The situation is complex, and we need an encounter in the White House like never before.

That´s it!!!

Noch ein anderes Posting von John Burton zu Obama und der Gebetsbewegung:

we must pray : underground church : revival | PRAY|THE|REVOLUTION