14. September 2008

Kansas-City-Outpouring: Hintergrund-Berichte + Video

Ich hatte schon über die Ausgießung des Heiligen Geistes in Kansas City geschrieben. Inzwischen hab ich zwei weitere Artikel entdeckt....
Auf dem Blog von John & Amy Burton wird folgender Newsletter der World Revival Church zitiert:

Aus dem Newsletter der World-Revival-Church:

geschrieben: Mitte oder Ende Mai 2008

We keep hearing that the Arnotts and Todd Bentley have been prophesying and mentioning us by name that God would revisit us in a powerful fresh way and it has BEGUN!!!

There has been a sudden, fresh wind since May 2 and it increases in strength each weekend! It’s power, it’s fire, it’s healing, it’s glory, it’s war for the captives, it’s life surrounding and filling us over and over…it is revelation of the Word of God, it’s prophecy and words of knowledge…it is all happening!

One evening, Pastor Steve began coaching the entire congregation, explaining what the Glory of God feels like, describing how He comes, and then drawing in the presence of God until they too were experiencing HIM, many for the very first time. Even for those of us who have been around this for over a decade now, are finding it as fresh and powerful as we have ever known!

Then, one night P. Steve responded to a vision he had and called the DRUMS forth….and you just have to see this… We tried to find words to describe the glory and his presence that we were immersed in…covering us…..it was new, fresh, enveloping!

Our media team put a short clip together to try and capture what has been happening consistently… Here is a link: http://www.worldrevivalchurch.com/media/wrcDemo.php

Even today, we are getting all kinds of reports about the SHOFARS that were blowing on Sunday while the drums were beating. THERE WEREN’T ANY SHOFARS!!!

Hier ist der Clip:

Auf der Webseite von World Revival Church findet man noch einen Bericht über den Beginn dieser neuen Ausgießung und der vorhergehenden Erweckungs-Aufbrüche in Smithton (1996):

Can Lightning Strike Twice?
Congregation Experiences Upsurge of God's Glory, 2008-06-09

For Pastor Steve and Kathy Gray of World Revival Church in Kansas City, the lightnings of God first struck on March, 24, 1996 igniting an international revival which became known as The Smithton Outpouring. Reporters around the globe documented over a quarter of a million people followed the flames to a town of 532, in the middle of nowhere, to experience the power and presence of God, resulting in powerful demonstrations of healing and life changing encounters.

But could this "lightning" strike again, creating yet another life-changing event so powerful that it would cause Gray and his congregation to become a sign and wonder again?

If May 2, 2008 is any indication, it appears the answer is yes. On May 2, during that Friday service, an upsurge of the Glory of God suddenly filled the sanctuary as Gray skillfully coached his congregation into the thick, presence and Glory of God that followed.

Members of the congregation grappled with words to describe what they were experiencing in the breathtaking God moment. Sweat and tears poured off the faces of those who pressed themselves into the altar. Many found it difficult to move, others found it impossible to stand. The sense that the supernatural workings of God had increased was certainly evident in those struggling to describe the sensations:

"His glory and his presence fill me…and it’s living breath of God, I don't want anything else!"
-- 20 year old, Aaron

"Whatever this body can contain….I just want to be…I just want to be saturated with Him…"
-- Pastor J. Koppang

"It is like the most intense…like white hot heat, like somebody had set me on fire, it was like fire that didn't hurt, and like electricity that didn't burn….I couldn't even breath, I thought I was going to burst…"
--M. Keith

"Addictions I had battled for years, I thought I was going to take to my grave, I am free…"
-- D. Weedman

"And the UCLA doctors said she is clean…no cancer!”
-- Heather Eschenbaum
(report of healing)

"And I have new knees! No pain, "
-- N. Berg

"There is like a new outpouring…there is like a spirit of revival…it comes from deep inside…what other choice do we have but to pour out all that we are when God gives us more than we deserve!"
-- 22 year old Emily

Gray adds, "God wants a people that are distinct from all the other people of the earth. He will do that with His Glory. He is coming with his creative power and calling us to His Kingdom. I am helping people turn and get themselves into position where they can experience the Glory of God that Moses had. Now everyone can experience this. It is in our midst. The power is within us and His Glory is all around us. We have felt it upon our bodies and in our churches … It is in our midst. Whatever the measure of his fullness is, we want it and are experiencing it every time we meet."