16. November 2009

Webstream & Videos: Ausgießung des Heiligen Geistes in IHOP, Kansas City

Live ab 1 Uhr Nachts dt. Zeit | 18 Uhr CST

- Video-Archiv + Heilungsberichte
- IHOP.org
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International House of Prayer University Student Awakening:

On November 11, during a 9:00am class of first-year students, led by Allen Hood and Wes Hall at International House of Prayer University (IHOPU), the Spirit moved in their midst with physical healings, deliverance, and a spirit of joy. That class, on November 11, continued for more than 15 hours. The word spread quickly, and over 2,000 people spontaneously gathered in the auditorium from all over the Kansas City area, as deliverance and physical healings increased. The meeting continued well past midnight. Recognizing that the Spirit was moving, the leadership of IHOPU canceled all classes for the next few days so that we could gather to receive all that the Spirit wanted to do.

We recognize that the Holy Spirit is awakening our students and many others. In each of these meetings, many people are being set free from addictions, shame, depression, demonic activity, and every sort of emotional pain. We are also witnessing an increase of physical healings, as God is touching and restoring bodies inside the building, as well as healing people watching via the webstream. Moreover, we greatly rejoice as we are seeing lost souls being added to the kingdom of God during these meetings. We are receiving many testimonies and reports that this move of the Spirit is spreading to other churches and prayer rooms that are joining with us each night via the webstream.

It all began on November 4, on the last day of the monthly Global Bridegroom Fast at the International House of Prayer of Kansas City (IHOP–KC). A move of the Holy Spirit began to stir during the student chapel at IHOPU, as students testified about receiving deliverance from self-hatred, shame, and depression. Students began to experience supernatural joy at the revelation of God's love for them. A powerful spirit of joy rested on many the next day at the IHOPU student-led 6:00am prayer meeting, and the Spirit continued to move throughout the week in our classes and during the faculty meetings.

What started during our IHOPU student chapel on November 4 is continuing today. Visitors are pouring in from many places, with some driving over 1,000 miles overnight to participate in these meetings. Consequently, on November 12, we moved the Prayer Room to our Forerunner School of Ministry sanctuary from 6:00pm to midnight each night, to accommodate more people. We will continue these nightly meetings as the Holy Spirit leads us. We earnestly pray that this awakening will continue, as our nation is in desperate need of another great awakening in this hour.

Throughout history, college and university campuses in our nation have been an epicenter and a catalyst for spiritual awakening. Since the 1700s, our nation has witnessed multiple moves of the Holy Spirit that have touched and awakened students on college campuses, including Princeton University, Yale University, Asbury College, Wheaton College, and more than a dozen other college campuses. These spiritual awakenings often progressed beyond the campuses and resulted in a great number of souls being added to the kingdom of God. History also attests to a strong correlation between spiritual awakening and missionary movements. We pray that this spiritual awakening that is touching IHOPU and the rest of our IHOP–KC Missions Base will break out all over our nation in different cities.


Have a testimony you would like to share? Click Here to submit your testimony or twitter us @ihopkc

Testimonies have not been verified by a physician.

Prayer Requests

To submit a prayer request, email us at prayer@ihop.org

14. November 2009

Seit zwei Tagen - Ausgießung des Heiligen Geistes im IHOP, Kansas City

Wes Hall, einer der Hauptleiter erzählt, wie es begann:

"IHOP" steht zum einen für "International House of Prayer" und zum anderen für die Kernwerte dieser Bewegung: Intercession, Holyness, Offerings, Prophetic


Live Webstream at 6 pm CST (1:00 Uhr Nachts dt. Zeit)

15. Oktober 2009

Kevin Dedmon: Auf dem Wasser laufen wie Jesus? Es ist möglich!

Kevin Dedmon, Leiter von Firestorm ministry in der Bethel-Church von Bill Johnson erzäht wie ein paar Leute versucht haben, auf dem Wasser zu laufen.
Jesus sagt in Joh 14,12: "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch: Wer an mich glaubt, der wird auch die Werke tun, die ich tue, und wird grössere als diese tun, weil ich zum Vater gehe.
Mit dem nötigen Glauben sollte es also möglich sein, auf dem Wasser zu laufen wie Jesus.

Ein paar Leute aus Chad Dedmons Jugendgruppe haben es ausprobiert:

Kevin Dedmon: kevindedmon.com
Chad Dedmon: encounteringjesus.com

Joh 14,12: Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch: Wer an mich glaubt, der wird auch die Werke tun, die ich tue, und wird grössere als diese tun, weil ich zum Vater gehe.
Mt 14,25: Aber in der vierten Nachtwache kam er (Jesus) zu ihnen, indem er auf dem See einherging.
Mk 6,49 Sie (die Jünger) aber sahen ihn (Jesus) auf dem See einhergehen und meinten, es sei ein Gespenst und schrien auf.

7. August 2009

Lachen im Geist mit Kathie Walters & Sid Roth

Teil 1 - Fülle von Freuden ist vor deinem Angesicht (Psalm 16,11)

Teil 2 - Fülle von Freuden ist vor deinem Angesicht (Psalm 16,11)

... auf der "One New Man Celebration" bei Morningstar (2008).

Sid Roth´s - It's Supernatural Messianic Vision
Sid Roth - mp3-Archiv (Feeds)
Sid Roth - mp3-Archiv 2009
Kathie Walters Ministries - Angels - Supernatural - Faith

5. April 2009

Videos: Todd Bentleys Wiederherstellungsprozess und öffentliche Entschuldigung

Todd Bentley ist mittlerweile bei Morningstar (Fort Mill, South Carolina) und hat dort mit Unterstützung von Rick Joyner seinen Wiederherstellungsprozess begonnen. Unter Todd Bentley's Restoration Update bringen sie wöchentlich ein Video-Update.

Todd Bentley´s apology and begin of restoration process with Rick Joyner (09-03-11):

Todd Bentley´s restoration process with Bill Johnson & Rick Joyner (09-03-25):

Todd Bentley´s apology to the Revival Alliance and the Church (09-04-03):

Rick Joyner äußerst sich auch schriftlich zu dem Thema:
Todd Bentley Begins Restoration Process

Todd Bentley Restoration Part II